about me

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Hello Viewers! I thank you for visiting my page. I hope you will find it interesting. As for about me and in case you have not noticed, I write poems. Before, I used to think that poems had to rhyme or have a certain rhyme scheme, but I was wrong. Not all of the poems that you find on this page will be rhyming. They're just basically free writing. I write like how I talk. I just say it. These poems either describe something in my life or in the life of someone close to me. It's not accurate, but it describes how they feel. I hope that you feel the same way and they have helped you in some way. Please don't plaigerize any of my work for it is something I do when I have a new feeling. I would also like to say that the pictures are not mines. So I have no credit or copyright over them.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Those In Need (Poem #37)

Can you hear all of the cries

From all the people who want to die

Can you smell the stench of death

It’s very cold and very wet

Can you sense these people’s pain

All of the their suffering and their shame

Can you see these people’s tears

They show nothing but their fears

Can you taste these people’s will

The happy life they want to fill

You can’t compare to this ache

It’s not something you can fake

They suffer through all of the sorrow

They have to endure until tomorrow

For they are never out of hope

Even with the agony, they have to cope

So hold out your hand and offer aid

Before the faith completely fades

And when you do, you will feel pleased

Because you helped those in need

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