about me

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Hello Viewers! I thank you for visiting my page. I hope you will find it interesting. As for about me and in case you have not noticed, I write poems. Before, I used to think that poems had to rhyme or have a certain rhyme scheme, but I was wrong. Not all of the poems that you find on this page will be rhyming. They're just basically free writing. I write like how I talk. I just say it. These poems either describe something in my life or in the life of someone close to me. It's not accurate, but it describes how they feel. I hope that you feel the same way and they have helped you in some way. Please don't plaigerize any of my work for it is something I do when I have a new feeling. I would also like to say that the pictures are not mines. So I have no credit or copyright over them.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Clouds (Poem #15)

I look up into the sky and watch you drift one by one
I feel a light breeze as you travel faster than I can run
You never suffer over sorrows or pain
You are unbothered by the weakness and shame
I sit and watch as you go with the flow
Where ever and whenever the wind may blow
You give off such a lightening mood
I've noticed that you are never annoying or rude
Your troubles are always blown away
As you appear during night or day
Oh how I wish my life was like
As peaceful as you are among the skies
Your voice is always soft, not too loud
What I love to watch the most is...the clouds

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