about me

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Hello Viewers! I thank you for visiting my page. I hope you will find it interesting. As for about me and in case you have not noticed, I write poems. Before, I used to think that poems had to rhyme or have a certain rhyme scheme, but I was wrong. Not all of the poems that you find on this page will be rhyming. They're just basically free writing. I write like how I talk. I just say it. These poems either describe something in my life or in the life of someone close to me. It's not accurate, but it describes how they feel. I hope that you feel the same way and they have helped you in some way. Please don't plaigerize any of my work for it is something I do when I have a new feeling. I would also like to say that the pictures are not mines. So I have no credit or copyright over them.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Mother's Day (Poem #22)

I'm really glad that
This world created
A day for every mother
Who brought life to
A special child
Or maybe, even children
Without mothers,
This world might as well
Fall apart under our feet
Because without moms,
Who will care for you when you're young?
Who will clothe you?
Who will kiss you goodnight?
Who will put a bandage on your booboo?
So that special child
That you brought into this life
Wants to tell you
That she (or he) loves you
Very, very much
And on this day
She (or he) wants to say
Happy Mother's Day

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